Author: Guest

  • Mental Health Issues and Bullying

    A person’s mental health issues can be the source of a great deal of bullying through out their life. Starting in adolescence, harsh opinions of mental problems begin to emerge in the form of bullying and avoidance. Children bully one another for a number of reasons, many of which are not mental health related. And…

  • The Fear of Being Damaged Goods

    The stigma around counseling is due in part to the shared human fear of being damaged goods. Most people who consider counseling abandon it as an option when they think about what it means that they would need counseling. What if their friends and coworkers found out they needed counseling? Would they not be labeled…

  • The Hardest Step

    The moment when a person breaks through the stigma around counseling and chooses to reach out for help represents their ability to take the hardest step in recovery. This is a very important milestone. It is the moment when a person decides that their mental health and the mental health of those close to them…

  • The Stigma Around Counseling

    Counseling is a necessary and beneficial tool to society, but it has come to be stigmatized as a sign of weakness and brokenness. In many factions of society, it is considered a disgrace to need counseling. It is looked down on as something that broken, weak, whiny people require. This stigma originates from thousands of…

  • The Reality of Counseling

    It is common for people to stigmatize counseling, but the reality of counseling is far different from what the stigma of it would have a person believe. Needing counseling is stigmatized as a sign that a person is damaged goods; a disgrace to their family and their reputation. Men in particular believe in this stigma…

  • The Origin of Stigmas

    Stigmas appear in numerous areas of life. A stigma is defined as a mark of disgrace on something, be it a person, a quality or a circumstance. If a collective mentality forms around something and labels it as disgraceful, people will do their best to sweep it under the rug. This may include a mental…