Mental health problems do not appear instantly. People who experience mental health issues will begin to observe some gradual changes in their behavior and overall way of life. This will build up over time before the mental health problem becomes fully blown.
One of the best ways to help an individual with mental health issues is to identify the signs.
Often, many people with mental health problems live in denial because they don’t want to be associated with the stigma that comes with mental illness.
This is why many of them find it difficult to seek help. In this article, you will learn some of the common signs of mental illness so that you can help people around you.

Sleep disorder
Someone with mental health problems is likely to experience a sleep disorder. The individual might struggle with finding regular sleep, or they might be sleeping more than usual. This shows that they are struggling with something that has affected their mental health.
Unstable mood
An individual with mental illness might not have a stable mood. They may be energized for a short time only to switch to being depressed. It might be hard being around such people because they might take out their frustration on you for no reason.
A drop in performance/productivity
Another way to know when an individual has mental health issues is when there is a decline in their performance. If they work in an organization, it might be difficult for them to hit milestones like before.
They will struggle with tasks and it would be evident in their overall performance. Similarly, if they are in school, their results would be below par.
Disconnection from reality
Someone with mental health problems will experience feelings of disconnection. It will be evident that they have lost touch with themselves and their surroundings. Such people are likely to have strained relationships because they can’t understand themselves.
Other likely signs of mental health problems are withdrawal, problems thinking, apathy, illogical thinking, enhanced sensitivity, etc.